5 benefits of recycling your business waste
*The latest estimates for England, indicate that Industrial and Business waste generation was around an incredible 33.8 million tonnes in 2020. Whether your company requires it or not, recycling is something that each of us should consider.
Recycling can be even more beneficial in a commercial setting than it is in a residential setting. Recycling can provide businesses in all industries with countless benefits and in this blog, we’ve highlighted some of the main reasons why recycling is good for your business.
1. Saving money
Arguably the most important incentive for businesses to recycle is that it will save them money. Commercial recycling programs are the way forward for any company looking to lower its waste disposal costs. Once established, your waste collection frequency will decrease, which means less hauling costs for both yourself and your licensed carriers. Another consideration is to stop paying for waste to be taken to landfill.
The landfill tax is a compulsory fee that must be paid on all the waste your business sends to landfill. As of April 1st 2021, this rate will rise from £96.70 per tonne and increase annually. This is in the hopes of not only acting as an incentive for recycling but also discouraging sending unnecessary waste into our landfills.
2. Social responsibility
If the financial impacts haven’t deterred you from contributing to landfill, then perhaps the environmental impacts will. Any waste not recycled, will surely end up in landfill. Landfill is dangerously a popular option for disposal for many. However, the long-term effects of decay create harmful toxins. These toxins leach into our soil and groundwater and become environmental hazards for years.
3. Attracting customers and employees
According to Forbes, workers believe that “a sustainable employer is more likely to care for them, a desire for more meaningful work…” This statement alone should convince employers to consider recycling their waste more efficiently. With the younger generations such as Millennials and Gen Z being more environmentally conscious, choosing a workplace that practices positive recycling methods, over a negative one is incredibly attractive and important to them.
4. Preparing your business for the future
The environmental risks are too great not to recycle your waste. With people expecting companies to be sustainable, it would certainly make sense for businesses to start recycling their business waste. Now is an excellent time since legal repercussions will only worsen.
5. Legal considerations
Although recycling is not imposed by law, fly-tipping will land you with a hefty fine. Why choose to dump your rubbish irresponsibly when you could be recycling your waste materials and lowering your carbon footprint? Fly-tipping is a criminal offence under section 33 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Offenders can be given a £400 Fixed Penalty Notice for small-scale fly-tipping. In serious cases, prosecution in Court can end in either a fine of up to £50,000 or 12 months imprisonment.
More information
By following these 5 easy tips, you can ensure you are making the most of your business waste and reducing your environmental impact. If you would like more information on how we can help you with your business waste management, please contact us today.